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Financing the Future

Goldman Sachs recently launched an article on clean energy across multiple platforms to demonstrate their support for green technology through financing startups, and IPO services. I first saw this on snapchat discover and the entire experience worked extremely well through snapchat's platform. The document is loaded with facts and useful bits that paint a hopeful future for green energy and our planet's ability to mitigate climate change.

Strengths: This is an interesting mix of a company blog-like article and branded content. It is designed very well both in the flow of how you move through the content, as well as all the individual graphics themselves.

Weaknesses: I'm concerned their targeting may be off if I'm seeing them on snapchat and they're advertising their IPO services. Although, it does paint Goldman Sachs as a green bank while their competitors are facing flack from the environmentalist community. Wells Fargo for instance is being ridiculed for financing the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Target: Young Business Professionals, the environmentally conscious


1. There's room in the market for a green Bank

2. It's beneficial to take a social stance in today's market

Purpose: Impacting Society — promote green technology

Positioning: A Bank that supports green innovation

Personality: Informed, Intelligent, helpful


I started this blog to detail my experience in the M-School​. Posts will include reflections from class sessions and Ad Agency site visits as well as weekly Ad finds with an accompanying analysis.  

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